Sistem Informasi Geografis Lokasi Debitur Pada PT.Mandala Finance Sigli Berbasis Android
geographic information system for debtor location, Android-based, PT. Mandala financeAbstract
PT Mandala Finance Sigli is a financing institution for financing activities in the form of funds, motorcycle loans, loans receivable, and other consumer financing. This study aims to build a Geographic Information System (GIS) for debtor locations at PT. Mandala Finance Sigli based on Android to facilitate leasing in finding debtor locations in Pidie district that are in accordance with the wishes and needs of field employees. The method used in this study is the GIS development cycle. The results showed that the debtor's GIS can provide concise and clear information in the form of map images and information about the debtor's location so that PT.mandala leasing or field employees can choose the debtor's location according to their wishes and needs. GIS for Debtor locations can also assist field employees in presenting billing information to debtors and quickly recording debtor information. In addition, to find out the location or data on the distribution of credit debtor data in the Pidie district in accordance with existing data at PT. Mandala Finance Sigli.
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